Ph.D., Emory University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Graduate Division of Religion, 2003
M.Div., Emory University, Candler School of Theology, 1996
B.S., Tennessee Technological University, 1985
Areas of expertise
Teaching and research related to the spiritual and vocational aspirations of youth and young adults including youth cultures, popular culture, spiritual practices, ecology, justice and peace movements, communal movements, alternative forms of church and educational theory.
Selected published works
Created in Delight: Youth Ministry and the Mending of the World, Wipf and Stock 2013.
“Do Something in the World: Youth Ministry and Ecology,” Circuit Rider, November/December/January 2015-16.
“Living in the Delight of Creation: Youth Ministry and Practices of Ecological Theology,” Journal of Youth and Theology, Vol. 8, No. 2.